The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in Germany

The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want. 

Years Ocean Decade

The ocean covers 70 percent of our blue planet and plays a central role in our lives: It regulates the climate, provides the air we breathe and the water we need for all life on Earth. The ocean provides transportation routes for goods, gives us food, raw materials, and renewable energy. It is home to a fascinating, diverse array of flora and fauna and provides us with recreation. Yet we exploit the sea, destroy its ecosystems, or abuse it as a dumping ground.

The Ocean Decade is a global campaign initiated by the United Nations with the goal of working together to shape the ocean we need for the future: healthy, full of life, with protected areas, but also managed sustainably. Science-based solutions are to be developed and implemented for the ocean's most pressing problems. However, this enormous task requires not only marine research but also supporters from all sectors of society.

The UN Decade of Oceans is supported in Germany by the National Ocean Decade Committee (ODK). The ODK is actively building a network of actors from society, science and industry, informs about projects and programs and provides important impulses for the implementation of the goals of the Decade.

We appreciate your interest and cooperation!


To make our activities and initiatives more effective, we need additional financial resources. 

We look forward to your support through donations!


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Network partner of the German Committee of the UN Decade of the Ocean (ODK)

Institutions contributing to ocean research in Germany

Organizations that promote sustainable ocean stewardship in a variety of ways

Companies committed to the protection of the ocean and the sustainable use of marine resources

Institutions that operate in several areas