Within the framework of the UN Decade of Oceans, research programs and a wide range of longer-term projects in the fields of society, business and science are being carried out with German participation. In addition, numerous institutions and organizations in Germany are carrying out activities within the framework of the UN Decade of Oceans. They all pursue common goals: strengthening marine research, expanding marine protection and enforcing the sustainable use of marine resources.
On this page you will find information about the projects and activities in Germany. Please contact us if we can give visibility to your registered Ocean Decade activity here:
German contributions to the UN Ocean Decade
German research institutions and socially active organizations initiate, coordinate and are involved in a large number of projects and programmes that have been accredited as part of the UN Ocean Decade. Here you can download a list with a selection of the Ocean Decade programs and projects that have been registered with German leadership (as of January - 2025). Further information can be found on the international platform of the Ocean Decade at
Register UN Ocean Decade Actions
If you would like to contribute to the UN Ocean Decade, you have the opportunity to register projects and events as an activity, action or contribution and have them promoted through the UN Ocean Decade international network.
Upon successful registration, you will be provided with the UN Decade logo for use in promoting your project or event.
If you have questions about the registration process, please feel free to contact us at
A selection of current and past events within the framework of the UN Decade of the Oceans
//_ 10.-12.o4.24
Place: Barcelona, Spain
The UN Ocean Conference 2025 to support the Sustainability target 14 (SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development) takes place from June 9 to 13, 2025 in Nice, Franceand is organized by France and Costa Rica aligned.
The overarching goal is to Acceleration of measures and the involvement of all stakeholders in achieving SDG 14. Plenary sessions, Ocean Action Panels and other segments and are presented in a "Nice Ocean Action Plan"-declaration and a list of voluntary commitments.
All relevant stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, academia, the private sector and indigenous communities, will come together to discuss challenges, opportunities and actions to date on SDG 14.
Further information on the program and registration can be found at this link to find.
//_ 06.-07.05.25
Living seas - National Marine Conference 2025
Location: Berlin, Germany
The first National Marine Conference will take place in Berlin from May 6 to 7, 2025. This is where all the players in the marine community - from society, politics, environmental and business associations, companies, marine research and federal and coastal state administrations - will come together to discuss the future of the oceans.
Healthy oceans are vital for our planet as they provide a habitat for millions of creatures, serve as a source of food and recreation, create jobs and stabilize the global climate. However, the oceans - including the North and Baltic Seas - are under severe pressure. It is therefore important to come together and make the protection and sustainable use of the oceans a social and political priority.
Projects and initiatives aimed at the protection and sustainable use of the oceans will be key topics, as will Germany's contributions to the UN Ocean Conference (June 9-13, 2025 in Nice, France). In particular, there will be an opportunity to discuss concrete measures, implementation paths and exemplary best practices.
A detailed program as well as an official invitation with the possibility to register will be available from the beginning of 2025.
Past events (selection)
UN Ocean Decade Conference
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Focused on 'delivering the science we need for the ocean we want', the conference will take place over three days from 10 to 12 April 2024 at the Barcelona International Convention Centre and will be part of an entire Ocean Decade Week that will take place throughout Barcelona from 8 to 12 April 2024. As a coastal city with a major commitment to the blue economy as a driver of competitiveness and job creation, Barcelona is the perfect place to hold an event such as this one focused on ocean science, sustainability and innovation.
Hosted by Spain and co-organized with UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO), this international event will bring together various actors, including governments, decision-makers, maritime sectors, philanthropy, academia, the private sector, and civil society. All these voices will engage in a constructive dialog around progress and joint priorities for the future of the Ocean Decade and continued success of ocean sustainability efforts across the science-policy-society interface. It will be a 3-day, in-person event co-led with a range of partners: the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Capital Nàutica Foundation, and the Spanish National Ocean Decade Committee, which is led by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Follow this link for pre-registration and more information.
ICYMARE - International conference For Young Marine Researchers
Place: Oldenburg, Germany
ICYMARE is the annual international conference for young marine scientists. In 2023, it will be held in Bremerhaven, Germany, from September 18-22, 2023, and is organized in collaboration with the Institute for the Chemistry and Biology of the Sea (ICBM) at the University of Oldenburg.
More information:
Launch of the German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK)
Type: online
The decade of oceans proclaimed by the United Nations began in 2021 and has the motto: "The ocean we need for the future we want."
Following the international opening the day before, the German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK) opened the Ocean Decade for Germany on June 2, 2021.
Representatives from academia, business, and civil society met to exchange ideas on strong and effective engagement for the Ocean Decade. A video documentation of the online event is available.
Video credit: German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK)
Seven Ocean Decade Laboratories (available in English only)
Type: online
Following the launch of the Ocean Decade, seven Ocean Decade Labs were held in 2022, each dedicated to a specific area of marine research:
- An Inspiring and Engaging Ocean (7 - 8 July 2021)
- A Predicted Ocean (15 - 17 September 2021)
- A Clean Ocean (17 - 19 November 2021)
- A Healthy and Resilient Ocean (9 - 11 March 2022)
- A Safe Ocean (5 - 7 April 2022)
- An Accessible Ocean (10 - 12 May 2022)
- A Productive Ocean (31 May - 2 June 2022)
The Ocean Decade Labs are a creative, interactive platform coordinated by BMBF 2021/2022 to support actions for the Ocean Decade around the globe. This video shows how the labs are set up.
About the BMBF's Ocean Decade Laboratories
Video credit: BMBF & UNESCO
High-Level Kick-Off of the UN Ocean Decade
Type: online
The United Nations has proclaimed 2021-2030 as the UN Decade of the Oceans. Under the motto "Creating the Ocean We Want," the BMBF and IOC-UNESCO celebrated the high-level launch in Berlin on June 1, 2021. The event can be summarized in a video recording relive.
Video credit: BMBF
Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional Day (V.ECOP)
Type: online
The Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional (V.ECOP) Day started on June 1, 2021, as a 24-hour livestream event following the sun around the world. It was hosted by and for early career ocean professionals from around the world and from a variety of ocean disciplines to showcase their work, activities, and contributions to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
The UN Ocean Decade is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and the first global campaign to catalyze transformative ocean science solutions for sustainable development. V.ECOP Day will follow immediately from the 1st International Conference of the UN Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development, beginning at approximately 13:00 UTC on June 1, 2021.
V.ECOP Day was organized by the German Marine Research Consortium in cooperation with the ECOP Program and is supported by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the European Commission, IOC-UNESCO, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and ESRI Germany as an officially endorsed UN Ocean Decade Activity.
Recordings and more information: